Monday Moment

📸 Brett Laird

Thankful for a worship service that never disappoints especially when you need it most. Our worship team gives it all they’ve got and then some! So thankful for them.

And the hubby, well he is A game, ALL. DAY. LONG. His messages challenge me, convict me, encourage me, humble me, and cause me to beg God to change me. And he preaches with grace and mercy and humility. Blessed!!

We kicked off our missions emphasis and Eddie nailed it. Romans 9:1-3 is a heavy passage, a challenge beyond human reason and understanding.

We give to missions. We pray for missions. But do we have the kind of burden Paul had? We have more money, more manpower and more methods than ever, but we aren’t turning our world upside down like the people in Acts did.

Some great points…

…we may not have the harvest because we aren’t watering the crops (with tears).

…when was the last time we wept for the lost?

…Paul knew what it was like to be separated from God and he never got over his salvation.

…a true burden won’t just go away.

…secret to a Paul kind of burden: Christ was the center of his life. It’s all about loving Jesus like we should.

…Jesus didn’t ask Peter if he loved the sheep, etc. He asked Peter if he loved HIM. It’s whether or not we love Jesus. That’s the secret to loving others to the point of sacrifice.

…a true burden is put into practice. Prayer is essential but watering the crops with tears and putting shoe leather to our prayers is putting our burden into action.

Are we willing to do what it takes to see people come to Jesus? This would be a great week to start working towards that. It’s the Christmas season. What better or easier time than now to share the truth of the gospel. People are open. Will we be open to having some conversations?

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